Apps for iOS

  • Wind Tunnel Free (universal iPhone/iPod/iPad)
This free hybrid iPad/iPhone app uses the same simulation engine as the “Wind Tunnel” version. Draw your own obstacles, experiment with different sizes, shapes, aerodynamic profiles and see what happens.
Three segmented controls let you choose between :
• 4 touch actions : interact with the fluid, draw walls, insert smoke probe, use eraser tool.
• 4 visualization modes : particles, smoke, pressure field, velocity field.
• 2 simulation modes : wind tunnel (with adjustable wind speed), free mode (with no constrained wind).

  • Wind Tunnel -- for iPhone (for iPhone/iPod)

At $2,99 , Wind Tunnel is the paid version of the Wind Tunnel Free app. It adds visualization modes (turbulence, fluid direction), vga output, ability to load and save scenes, share scenes by email, rotate obstacles, adjust friction and viscosity, add propellers in the fluid…
Full feature list include :
• 5 actions : interact with the fluid, draw obstacles, draw propeller, draw smoke sources, use eraser tool.
• visualization modes : particles (streamlines, streaklines and random), colored smoke (predefined stripes, streamlines and custom), pressure field, speed norm visualization, curl (visualize turbulences), velocity field (visualize speed direction) combined with speed norm or curl.
• Load/save scenes, share scenes by email, import obstacles shapes as png files.
• Rotate/move obstacles, pause simulation with gestures.
• Adjust physical parameters : fluid viscosity, obstacle friction, wind tunnel input speed.
• Predefined scenes : airfoil, cars, rocks, Kármán vortex street…

  • Wind Tunnel -- for iPad (universal iPhone/iPod/iPad)
At $4.99, this is the hybrid iPhone/iPad Wind Tunnel app designed to run both on iPhone and iPad. Buy this single app and install it on all your devices. It has the same feature list as the Wind Tunnel -- for iPhone app. iPad version benefits from an adapted and easier to use graphic interface, as well as higher resolution than when running on iPhone.

  • Suspension (free)
Suspension is a physic simulation of particles dispersed in a fluid on a torus shape (cyclic boundaries conditions). It benefits from a simulation engine similar to the one of the "Wind tunnel Pro app", able to render a very realistic fluid in real time.
Full features list include :
•interact with the fluid
•draw walls
•insert Propellers

Apps for Android

  • Wind Tunnel
Wind tunnel uses the same simulation engine as iOS apps. It is priced at $2.99 and has almost all features of the Wind tunnel pro version for iOS.
• choose between 4 actions (lower right button): interact with the fluid, draw obstacles, use eraser tool, or add rotors. • visualization modes : particles (streamlines, streak lines and random), colored smoke (predefined stripes, streamlines or streak lines), pressure field, speed norm visualization, curl (visualize turbulences), velocity field (visualize speed direction) combined with speed norm or curl.
• Save/load your own designed scenes.
• Rotate obstacles with two-finger rotate gesture.
• Change smoke color by tapping twice at the top of the wind tunnel (when smoke is on and in “interact” mode )
• Adjust physical parameters : fluid viscosity, obstacle friction, wind tunnel input speed.
• Switch between two simulation modes: wind tunnel or “free” mode where fluid wraps around screen.
• In “Params”, then “Perf.param”, adjust the grid size and smoke resolution (high-end devices are able to compute larger grid sizes, allowing you to draw thinner obstacles).
• Predefined scenes : airfoil, cars, rocks, Kármán vortex street…

  • Wind Tunnel Free
Wind tunnel lite is free and comes with three pre-defined shapes (car, airfoil, rocks) and a “particles in a fluid” mode. You can choose between “particles” and “smoke” visualization modes.

Thank you all for your great comments !

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" It is hard to believe a small computer can perform all these calculations. WOW ! "


" A good mix between science and fun. Absolutely brilliant. "
